How One Teacher Changed My Life Forever: The Amazing Journey from a Shy Student to a Confident Nurse

(Based on a true story) 


Life is a journey full of unending adventures and obstacles that allow us to learn new things and avail ourselves of new directions. Throughout one’s life, he meets many personalities who affect his life in some ways. The same way I passed through various stages of life like childhood, education and various professional positions. I secured my education from various teachers but the influential teacher I will credit the most in shaping my life is Miss Aisha who taught us subjects of Sciences in Aljeer School. Today, my career as a nurse has flourished with all the qualities and skills I acquire from her personality.  


Miss Aisha had gotten a great combination of enthusiasm, kindness and hard work. She was not only a teacher but also a friend and an influencer. She was a motivation for the teachers as well as students. I got her kind class in my high school level sciences, and it was an amazing experience when her calm voice struck my ear drum asking about my introduction. She was so devoted to her class that she never forgot the names she learnt in the introductory class.  

Miss Aisha had the skill to give every child a feeling of being special. She filled confidence in every child’s mind by transforming their weaknesses into strengths. So, we started our learning as she encouraged, directed, corrected, and stimulated us with her gifts of inspiration that were captured by our minds and molded the rest of our life in a definite track. She dived deeper into our personalities and extracted our hidden skills and polished them to make us shine. Being a good influencer, she always instructed us to shape our character and behavior in a positive direction. In my nursing career, I am now programmed by her guidance to stay away from negative aspects of a case and deal with each patient seeing only his/her positive qualities. 

Miss Aisha was always prepared for her class and had a good command of her subject. She had a built-in ability of effective demonstration of a topic and selecting the most suitable strategy required for a specific topic. She used to present different visuals, charts and models required for a good grip of the subject matter. She always attended the class by bringing the full equipment required in a specific case. This quality enforced me in my nursing career as I never left my duty unprepared. I plan my patients’ schedule, their medical records, administration of different medications etc. a moment before the duty time and enter the duty fully prepared. 

My influential teacher was the epitome of patience. She faced each situation patiently. She gives time to each student and waits for them to process information and provide answers to her questions. She knows that learning is a difficult process and cannot be progressed without the proper cooperation of a teacher. Even the ridiculous and repetitive mistakes of students did not frustrate her. This trait of her enthused me to treat my patients with immense patience as a nurse has sometimes to put herself in her patient’s shoes. Sometimes, I have to bear the uncontrolled anger of a patient which is expressed in response to his or her discomfort caused by a disease. 

Miss Aisha was caring and empathetic. She cared about the feelings of each student and provided psychological guidance for our footsteps in a friendly manner. She was always concerned with the negative and positive emotions of students and deeply understood their social and personal situations. She interacted and practiced what she said to motivated others and walked her talk. In my present career I am solely guided by the path she paved for us with her natural behavior. The empathetic nature I acquired from her coaching is a tool that let me establish a trusting connection with my patients and communicate with their feelings and pains. 

A good sense of humor is the quality which lets great teachers catch the attention of learners. Our teacher Aisha was blessed with a great sense of humor. She had the skill to convert a boring topic into an engaging presentation with the power of comedy and with that power she used to visualize the abstract things in sciences. Engaging and responding to her humorous statements, I also developed a bit of that humor in myself which helps me now in dealing with my patients. I can easily release the stress of patients with my jokes and make them even laugh at times when they smell death.  

Last but not least, my influential teacher had mesmerizing communication skills, tireless stamina and whopping problem-solving techniques. The steadfast commitment she offered to the class, subject and the students was an inspiration for all of us. Her skill is to manage the time during class as she used to narrate stories, tell jokes, check homework, ask about previous lessons, brainstorm about new lessons and teach the new lesson and all that in forty minutes. The leadership qualities she employed in organizing events, activities and prioritizing different modes of learning were astonishing. In short, she was a full package of all the top qualities a good teacher should acquire. 


The most influential teacher I got in my educational career, Miss Aisha, instructed and inspired us towards the good qualities she practiced and applied during her teaching. The talents she owned let me drive my personality on a track which leads to the milestone of a model person having ideal qualities. These abilities and skills I got from her upbringing, the communication and problem-solving skills, the sense of humor, the patience and empathy, the time management and the leadership abilities are all those model characteristics that provided me a clue towards the nursing career. These skills polished my career as these are the characteristics of a model nurse. Today, the place I conquered in my career is the result of the influence Miss Aisha left in life. 
